SInAPSi (Services for Active and Participated Inclusion of Students) is the University centre of "Federico II" for all the students who feel excluded or isolated from the university life because of difficulties in their personal and/or educational growth. It consists of five divisions: Disability, Specific Learning Disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography, dyscalculia), Successful training, Anti-Discrimination and Culture of Differences, Promoting employability.

The division of Anti-Discrimination and Culture of Differences provides services and supports initiatives to prevent and contrast discrimination and violence towards sexual minority and marginalized gender groups.

The actions of Anti-Discrimination and Culture of Differences concern the dissemination of information, increasing awareness among students and staff of University of Naples "Federico II" about issues related to sexual identity, and, overall, promoting an environment that supports the inclusivity of diversity and fosters a greater sense of belonging to the university community for all students.

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